Friday, December 3, 2010

Almond Macaroons

I am always looking for recipes that are gluten free and of course macaroons are a very safe cookie given they have no flour of any kind. I made them yesterday but had another sweeter than cookie dough experience, because I made them with my two year old grand daughter. She stood on the large dining room chair and insisted that she also wear her apron since I was wearing mine. Her apron is brightly coloured,looks like the front of a Ukrainian doll and was hand sewn by a baba in the Ukraine. "Dolly apron, please", she insisted. We then washed our hands. We were ready. First 2 large egg whites were whipped till frothy in the mix master. She slowly poured in one cup of sugar. Most of it landed in the mixing bowl. When this was blended, she stirred the batter while we took turns mixing in 1 and 1/2 cups of ground almonds. She kept moving the mixing spoon to her left and then to her right hand because she is not sure yet which is her dominant hand. Meanwhile I lightly oiled the cookie sheet. When the batter was mixed (she allowed me to do some final stirs), I dropped the batter on to the cookie sheet with a tsp spoon and she found the right whole almond for each cookie and pressed it firmly into the center. Ten minutes in a 400 degree oven produced a wonderful cookie, crisp around the edges and soft in the center. We each ate two cookies and put the rest in a cookie tin. There is a saying that food flavoured with a mother's love is like no other food and I would have to add that food flavoured by an eager two year old is a memory maker of outstanding flavour.

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